Below are 2 options if I am not available for your service. Plan B allows for Live Streaming while Plan C is video recording only, but we can still get online, just not in real time. Below are the bullet points and I am happy to discuss everything in more details.
Plan B Package:
The Plan B Package may be implemented if we are unavailable on your date, pending location and logistics. I will setup equipment a few hours (possibly even the day before) and a timer is set to begin live streaming. This would be a "static" shot, no zooming or panning, and typically the full altar is in view. Scheduling and link on your end is still the same. This setup may work best in a:
Funeral home with camera positioned close to podium for best audio.
Church with balcony that has a speaker in the balcony area for best audio.
Wireless audio may not be available due to battery life.
Certain risks are inherent, equipment getting unplugged, camera moved, etc.
Here's how it works:
We schedule time to setup and I setup equipment.
Stream start time typically scheduled 15 minutes prior to service start time.
Video remains online 1 year.
USB with video mailed.
Standard live stream rates apply.
Plan C Package:
The Plan C Package can be used if we are unavailable on your date. This can be setup as a simulated live stream, meaning we schedule after the actual service or a simple video recording we place online. For example, A 10:00am service could be scheduled to be aired same day at 8:00pm provided we have scheduled equipment pickup same day.
Here's how it works:
Schedule Video camera & tripod drop off and quick tutorial.
Funeral Home sets up and records.
After pickup of camera, I will do a light edit and upload video.
Video remains online 1 year.
USB with video mailed.
$300 with equipment delivery and pickup. (pending our schedule).
(Discounts not available on Plan C Package)